Mass torts can represent a potentially lucrative source of revenue for law firms, but expanding into this practice area requires not just legal expertise but also strategic marketing acumen and resources. For most firms, a path to success will involve working with a legal marketing partner with the expertise to help you balance your expenditure with your firm’s strategic goals. Asking these six crucial questions when selecting a legal marketing partner will help ensure your marketing dollars are well spent.

1. Are they transparent?

Many legal marketing companies promise high-quality results but often deliver unqualified prospects. It’s vital to understand precisely how your marketing budget will be spent. Ask:

  • How are they allocating your budget?
  • What specific results can you expect?

A marketing partner should provide details on their advertising plan, intake process, and claimant delivery objectives as well as share references and examples of results from previous campaigns.

2. Do they utilize a co-counsel business model?

A co-counsel business model aligns the interests of the client and litigating firms:

  • Provides a network of qualified partner firms with proven track records.
  • Ensures better matches between claimants and litigating firms based on claimant needs.
  • Reduces operational costs and administrative burdens for your firm.

Partnering with a legal marketing company that uses a co-counsel model increases success rates and optimizes marketing spend.

3. Do they have an in-house call center and rigorous pre-qualification screening?

An in-house call center with trained, multilingual staff available 24/7 ensures potential claimants receive timely assistance. Use of in-depth criteria and robust screening helps ensure only qualified claimants are delivered to you. Look for:

  • Advanced technology for screening and qualifying claimants.
  • 100% compliance with relevant marketing regulations including the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).
  • Alternative contact methods like SMS to schedule call times convenient for claimants.

Working with a partner employing effective qualification processes and dedicated to legal marketing compliance avoids missed opportunities and potential penalties for non-compliance.

4. How robust are their campaign tracking and analytics?

Effective campaign tracking and detailed analytics are crucial for avoiding wasted resources. Ensure your marketing partner can:

  • Track every potential claimant from initial contact to signed retainer.
  • Adapt strategies based on data-driven insights.

Without detailed analytics or the ability to monitor a potential claimant’s action, you will be unable to accurately assess the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Visibility into the data ensures efficient spending and maximizes client acquisition.

5. Do they focus on delivering qualified, signed retainers?

You want what you pay for. A reliable partner should:

  • Utilize an originating firm to help develop robust criteria that support compensable cases.
  • Deliver pre-qualified claimants with signed retainers.
  • Reduce your workload by handling the initial claimant interaction.

The right marketing partner will find potential claimants through a robust marketing campaign strategy and will deliver signed retainers to you. By doing the heavy lifting for you, your partner enables you to help most qualified claimants right away.

6. Do they have strong connections with top litigating firms?

Access to top litigating firms is critical for success in mass tort cases. A marketing firm with strong connections can:

  • Connect you with renowned litigating firms that specialize in specific mass torts.
  • Expand your playing field and potential revenue opportunities.

These critical connections can have a significant effect on the successful outcome of your case.

Asking the right questions during the discovery process can help you choose the right legal marketing partner, as well as take the fear and uncertainty out of moving into the mass tort space. By asking these essential questions, you can set clear expectations and ensure a steady flow of qualified claimants, allowing you to focus on achieving justice for your clients.

What Broughton Partners Can Do For You

With Broughton Partners, law firms gain more clients and build better connections between claimants, litigating firms, and referring firms. With various consumer-facing brands, we reach out to potential claimants across television, radio, social media, and other advertising avenues. Claimants contact our in-house 24/7 call center and are screened for eligibility using criteria created with leading litigators. These pre-qualified retainers are then delivered to your firm without any additional work on your part.

Our process lets attorneys help more people without adding to their workload and gives claimants more power to find necessary legal aid. If you want to know more, call us at (844) 206-4644 or complete our online contact form today.